SA Water

250 Victoria Square ADELAIDE SA 5000
Postal Address: GPO Box 1751 ADELAIDE SA 5001 

Contact: Warwick Crawford
P: 1300 650 950

SA Water delivers safe and affordable water services in South Australia. Our field operators use high pressure water jetting for hydro-excavation & sewer drain faults.

We are owned by the South Australian Government. Our people work to provide world class water services to more than 1.7 million South Australian customers. We provide safe, clean drinking water, and once this water has been used, we remove the waste and treat it to ensure the best outcomes for your health, and to reduce environmental impact.

We are a major South Australian organisation. We employ more than 1,500 people in a range of industries from engineering to microbiology.

SA Water has a very long history. As a corporation we have existed since 1994, but our history can be traced back to 1856 – just 20 years after South Australia was settled. Read more about the story of our history.

Our organisation was established by an Act of Parliament. What we do is directly affected by a range of other laws, governing everything from drainage to safe drinking water. SA Water is governed by a Board of Directors, and reports to the Minister for Water.

What we do

SA Water provides services to around 1.7 million South Australians. We:

  • supply water
  • remove sewage from homes and businesses
  • treat sewage and wastewater
  • recycle some wastewater.