• Platinum Sponsors

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  • Innovation Safety Award – Contracting Company Winner

  • Innovation Safety Award – Contracting Company Runner Up

  • Innovation Safety Award – Supplier Company Winner

  • Innovation Safety Award – Supplier Company Runner Up

  • Innovation Safety Award – Operator Winner

  • Innovation Safety Award – Operator Runner Up

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Our History

The Australasian High Pressure Water Jetting Association (AUSJET) was initially formed in 1991 due to concerns within industry about the high rates of injuries sustained in the water jetting industry. At the time five water blasting companies came together to form the association with the aim to provide standards and training to ensure a safer industry.

The first step for the association was to conduct a skills and task audit with existing operators Australia wide which was submitted to the Australian National Training Authority and assisted in the development of standards of training. This led to AUSJET developing a high pressure water blasting course delivered by trainers designed for supervisory staff and operators with theory and practical components and a formal assessment at completion.

Over the next ten years the association was operated from New South Wales and then Western Australia where membership grew substantially cumulating in AUSJET staging the first Australian Water Jetting Industry conference held for two days in Perth, Western Australia. In 2006, AUSJET established a website and developed an online incident reporting system which led to safety alerts and enabled the association to collect and analyse data subsequently strengthening their position in the development of Australian Standards.

In 2013, high pressure water jetting's close association with drain cleaning, vacuum loading and hydro excavation services was recognised which also required the development of standards and training. This led to the decision to form the Australasian Drain Cleaning and Vacuum Association (ADCVA) and incorporate it with AUSJET.

In 2019 AUSJET / ADCVA became a founding member of the Global Industrial Cleaning Coalition, which brings together all the associations around the world focussed on improving our industry safety and practices.


In line with AUSJET's and ADCVA's core services to promote and facilitate the standardisation of safe work practices in the industry the association developed a suite of nationally accredited courses starting in 1996 with an introduction to hydroblasting course - Hydroblasting Induction (HI).

In 1997, the association quickly followed-up with an Intermediate Water Jetting Course which was later renamed the Hydroblasting Supervisors (HS) Course and in 2007 AUSJET launched an Industrial Services Induction (ISI) Course incorporating a vacuum loading module. AUSJET also developed guidance notes for Class A pressure cleaning units as well as producing a training video.

In 2013 AUSJET in association with Registered Training Organisation (RTO) IFAP produced new nationally accredited training packages - the High Pressure Water Jetting Assistant and High Pressure Water Jetting Operator.

The new courses were developed in accordance with the Manufacturing Skills Australia MSA 07 MSASS00002 and MSASS00003 skill sets which form part of Certificate III in Surface Preparation. The new courses superseded the Hydroblasting Induction (HI), Hydroblasting Supervisors (HS) and Industrial Services Induction (ISI).

AUSJET and ADCVA were also responsible for the development of courses for vacuum loading and drain cleaning MSASS00005 and MSASS00005 skill sets, which filled a training gap within the industry. Class A training has also been developed by AUSJET and ADCVA to ensure there is training available across the industry and the entire community to improve safety in the use of lower flow and pressure pumps under 5600 bar litres.

AUSJET / ADCVA continue to be the custodian of these skills sets, through reviewing and updating the UOC's in conjunction with our members to meet the changing needs of the industry. In 2019 AUSJET / ADCVA commenced a project to develop an industry best practice for industrial vacuum loading, with the publication of Recommended Practices for the Use of Industrial Vacuum Equipment in 2020; then again in 2021 a project to develop an industry best practice for industrial drain cleaning saw the publication of Recommended Practices for the Use of Industrial Drain Cleaning Equipment in 2022.


AUSJET and ADCVA have a long history of working with industry to develop the Australian Standards and was instrumental in developing the first Australian Standard AS 4233 (Interim) in high pressure water jetting in 1994.

In 1999 two-joint Australian, New Zealand High Pressure Water Jetting standards were developed (AS/NZS 4233 1&2) and made available to industry. In 2008, AUSJET began an internal review of the Australian, New Zealand High Pressure Water Jetting standards and in January 2012 the association made an application to Standards Australia officially requesting a formal review to revise AS/NZS 4233 1&2. Which subsequently led to the publication current standards AS/NZS 4233:2013 Parts 1&2.

In 2010, AUSJET was instrumental in developing with WorkSafe WA an industry Code of Practice for the Safe Use and Application of High Pressure Water Jetting Equipment.

In 2011 the association worked with WorkSafe WA on the revision to the WA code of practice for high pressure water jetting which led to Safe Work Australia asking AUSJET to assist with a National Guide for Managing Risks from High Pressure Water Jetting.